Method Development
Since 2010 we have been designing and making structures with bamboo (Guadua angustifolia).
In 2010 we made a design for a 4-story building with 6 apartments in Rio de Janeiro, made with bamboo and laminated bamboo.
In April 2016 a strong earthquake shook Ecuador. Many people in the coastal zone of Ecuador lost their houses, made of concrete and blocks. These structures did not resist the forces of the earthquake. Bamboo structures resisted these great forces of nature much better.
In 2016 we made a design for 12 bamboo houses for families in the Comuna Libertador Bolívar who lost their home. The victims had to build their new bamboo house under our supervision. They had no experience with bamboo, so the construction had to be simple, so that inexperienced people could do the work.
The design had a reinforced concrete foundation, a bamboo structure, partially plastered chopped reed walls on the inner side, steel plates for the roofs. The house was 42 m2, with a living room/kitchen/dining room, 1 bathroom and 2 or 3 bedrooms.
Most people were able to get the job done and build their new house under our supervision. Most of the families had people who worked as a mason, carpenter, or craftsman. These families were able to build their house out of bamboo. Families without a mason, carpenter, or craftsman had problems building their new house.
Designing the structure in 3D
The design for the bamboo frame was made on the computer. We made a design with a lot of symmetry and repeated measurements of 1 meter for the position of the bamboo columns of the structure. These measurements correspond to the measurements of the foundation reinforcement, to facilitate the location of the anchors for the bamboo columns.

Structural bolts
In the structural part of the house we did not want to use handcrafted joints (we had doubts about the structural quality of these joints, it is also difficult to make them), we only wanted to use joints made with threaded rod, rings and nuts (better structural quality, easy to make them). The bolts of the structure are set to fixed measurements.
Bamboo cutting scheme
For each house we had 85 preserved bamboos available. First the workers started by cutting only the components for part of the structure. Working like this created a lot of waste. The first house used 25% more bamboo than we had available for each house. We needed to think of a more efficient way to avoid having problems with the rest of the houses. The 3D design generated a list of all the components of the structure, with exact measurements including angles of cuts. We made a cut scheme so that we could make all the components outoff the 85 available bamboos. This cutting scheme worked. We were able to reduce the waste and managed to make the following structures with 85 bamboos.
The foundation did not cause any problems. People used to work with concrete.
No nails
People wanted to use the building practices of blocks and concrte for the bamboo structure. But:
- Nails may not be used, neither to temporarily fix parts of the structure nor to make joints. A nail damages the bamboo. Apart from the damage, a nail has no structural characteristics.
- Bamboo cannot be positioned like wood or concrete because of it´s conic form and irregularity.
Bolts through the axis of the bamboo
The solution: well-placed bolts. If the components are cut right and the bolts are located exactly as designed, the bamboo frame will not only be plumb, but also square, without the need to use straps and nails to temporarily secure the structure
For the location of the bolts, the central axis of the bamboo needs to be used. Question of measuring, marking and controlling. The result of a bamboo structure is much better than working in the traditional way. Construction workers were able to do this precise job.
High-quality technical drawings
Before the pandemic I made the designs of the structures and explained the matter on site. Due to the pandemic, he was unable to go to the job site and had to make higher quality technical drawings that do not need explanation on site. To resolve this issue, we made sections of all the axes of the structure. To visualize all the bamboo components of the structure and all the bolts, with exact measurements. With these technical plans, the bamboo structure can be built, without the need for explanations on site. The bamboo house in Dos Mangas is made during the pandemia with the new technical plans without on-site supervision.
The last 5 years we made different constructions in bamboo. From a self-supporting cabaña that can be moved to a two-story house with a bamboo structure that supports the concrete floor of the second floor. All these structures have the same principle: structural joints made with bolts, located exactly through the axis of the bamboo.

Stabilize the structure
For the stability of the structure, we use different techniques:
- joints between three rods with bolts in three directions (x, y, z), to reduce the free movement of the structure;
- rigid walls, concrete block, reinforced with threaded rod, or sandwich panels (with Plywood or OSB boards);
- crosses made of bamboo latillas using the bolts of two columns. With these crosses part of the structure can be stabilized during construction. This avoids the use of nails and strips. Another advantage of the crosses: it makes the structure lead;
- bamboo diagonals to make triangles in the structure.
Standard materials
We use standard materials and tools that are available throughout the country. Materials and tools that workers know and are easily available.
Guadua angustifolia
We only use Guadua. Because it is stronger than Bambú gigante, has less cracking problems, and more natural brilliance.
Construction method
- Generates high-quality, strong, precise, professional bamboo structures.
- It facilitates the use of traditional workers (e.g. carpenters) without the need to use many specialists.
- It makes it possible to prefabricate bamboo structures and assemble them on site or export bamboo structures to other countries.